Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Annapolis Regatta - 2014 Season Closer

Congrats to the 3V Sailing Team on a nice 3rd Fall Season ending. The regatta experienced variable winds and our co-coach Will Becchina kept spirits up and pushed the team to a very respectable performance. Bravo. My 2014 soccer season ended so I could not attend this regatta - but my thoughts were with my friends all the time.

Here is the agenda for 2015:

- bi-weekly get together : regatta rules to discuss strategies, etc..
- sailing movie night 
- sweaters , pinnies, and t-shirts reorders
- work on new flyer for the spring season 2015

Important news: My bro and me saved up some money and with the help of our family purchased a  used 25' sport boat called the Elliott 770. Philippe and me are pumped to go sailing this coming Spring and take some of our 3V sailing team friends out to surf with the big A-sail off the carbon retractable bowsprit. More about it later...

Saturday, June 7, 2014

State Championships in Rochester NY

rigging the new 420 just before the start

The 2nd NYS Championship Regatta the 3V Sailing team has participated in has been another awesome weekend of sailing. After a satisfying team dinner in one of NY's best BBQ places, we went on to take 5th place overall. The weather conditions were consistently breezy (10-12 knots) and chilly; dry suits were definitely the right choice of gear. 

Looking forward to doing even better next year!

Victor Tarjan and Riley Becchina - a great team

the 3VSailing Team: coach Gregor Tarjan, Trevor Munch, Philippe Tarjan, Victor Tarjan, Riley Becchina and assistant coach Will Becchina

Friday, May 2, 2014

NYISA - SE Spring League Fleet Invitational

Today the Three Village Sailing Team participated in its 3rd regatta of the season. All but one of our sailors were present and we were all eager to get out on the water. The conditions were truly terrible. With heavy rainfall all night long we experienced fog until noon and very light winds. Luckily the wind filled in from the South and the race committee could hold all of its 4 races. Another great day on the water with many valuable lessons leaned for our team !

Sunday, April 6, 2014

First Fleet Regatta of the Sason

Today the Three Village Sailing Team completed its first Team regatta of the season. 8 teams were present and there was a strong turnout of sailors from Long Island and CT. The team from Rye was again the favorite. All 8 of our sailors participated. The winds were forecast to blow from the North at 15-20knots and later building to up to 30 knots in the Sound. We sailed 6 races and all of our skippers and crew managed the challenging conditions very well.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sailing just before the last snow

Today we had light winds so we stayed close to the South end of Port Jefferson harbor. The team practiced starts and team racing. The grey skies overhead signified impeding snow and 1-3 inches of snow accumulation are predicted. The team was glad that we could get the practice completed. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Strategy Meeting

Today we held our first yearly sailing strategy meeting. Racing as a team is completely different from racing as fleet. We reviewed strategic moves and fine tuned starting techniques. These pre-regatta meetings greatly help us get the best of our team and boats. We are ready for the first Team Regatta to be held this coning Saturday in Port Jefferson harbor.

Friday, March 7, 2014

First Sail of the 2014 Season

Yesterday all 8 of the Three Village Sailing members showed up for the first day on the water in 2014 to train alongside our friends of the Stony Brook School. Although there was still snow on the ground everywhere we took the 420's out into Port Jefferson harbor. Great day !

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Spring Sailing Season is around the corner

While we are being pounded by heavy snow it seems more like Syberia than New York. Thoughts about the  upcoming sailing season makes us feel instantly warmer. Spring is around the corner and we remind all our fellow sailors to make sure that all their cold sailing gear is checked and in order. You will need a drysuit to sail the 420 in Spring. In case you do not have one, now is the time to order. If you need help, please contact us. We have sources for the best deals.

Here is the provisionary schedule (subject to change so please check back regulary):

March 22. 2014: Fleet Qualifier for the Mallory

March 29. 2014: Baker Qualifier

April 12. 2014: District Qualifier