Sunday, June 19, 2016

3VSailing @ Setauket Harbor Festival

A perfect sailing day greeted us as we sailed our demo 420 to the public dock where the 2nd Setauket Harbor Festival was held. The 3 Village Sailing Team had a small table set up to inform visitors of our sailing club. Victor and Gregor took several parties out for demo sails on the 420 and we met several new interested sailors who will join in Fall. 

See you on the water ...

Monday, May 9, 2016

Save the Date. Sat.6/18.Setauket Harbor

               420’s TEST SAIL DAY
 Come and learn about the 3Village Sailing Team

Who: Anyone from the Three Village School district with an interest in sailing. (Grade 7-12)

What: Sailing on a 420 dinghy sailing boat

When: Saturday June 18th, at the Setauket Harbor day, 11 am to 4pm

Where: Brookhaven town dock & beach on Shore Road, East  Setauket, 11733

Why: Because you always wanted to try sailing!

See additional info on the sailing team’s website:
or call : 631.751.0411

Monday, May 2, 2016

SBU sailing team

Hi Team,
On Wednesday May 11th there will be a talk about college sailing during our theory session. (6-7pm)
The coaches from the SBU sailing team are bringing pizza ! Please spread the word and especially reach out to prospective sailors, thanks.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Today NO practice.

No practice today because of the threat of thunderstorms.
Instead there will be a SBS, memorial hall, class session at 3;45pm.
Stay safe. Victor

Monday, April 25, 2016

Oyster Bay Regatta

Alex Shane and Stephen Fisher

Although the schools are closed for spring break, we will have regular practice schedule this week.
April 30th is going to be the Sag harbor invitational. Please confirm attendance.

Monday, March 28, 2016

SUNY Maritime Regatta. 4/2/2016

Please confirm by Tuesday evening your attendance for the SUNY Maritime regatta. Thanks.
NO sailing practice on Monday but make up class on Wednesday, 3:45 pm.

Regatta NOR to be found, printed & signed :

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Happy Easter Break

Nice first regatta last weekend!
Just a quick update; no sailing on Thursday & Friday due to the Easter Break.
Enjoy! V.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Bodacious Bra for a cure

Dylan, Alexander, Reilly, Andrew, Stephen, Alex and lying Victor

Big thanks to Mrs. Bagan for creating a wonderful nautical bra for the Breast Cancer Center Fundraiser at SBU on April 14th, 2016!

Now it is up to us to convince as many as possible parents/ friends & neighbors to attend the auction. Highest bidder is going to win a champagne sunset sail with appetizers on our local waters organized by the Three Village Sailing Team.

Spread the word ! Thanks, Victor

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Spring sailing season 2016!

Hi sailors and parents,

This year's spring sailing season starts on Monday, February 29th. Our first week will be dedicated

to prepping the 420's and a theory class on Wednesday 3/2. 

The first practice on the water is going to be on Monday March 7th. 

Since that date is only three weeks away, it is time to start preparing for the season.

Please confirm your participation in spring sailing and if yes than it is time to make sure your sailing 
gear is in good shape. (bump hat and mandatory dry suit)

Spring Schedule will be in the next blog.

Looking forward to another exciting spring sailing season!


Ps. Sailors and parent meeting (as well collection of spring season fees) on Wednesday February 24th, 6-7 pm.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Happy Holidays to all. I have heard from a few of you that you have missed the blog and I am touched;-) Over the winter I try to minimize filling up your inbox but there is a short and cheery one for your reading.

A quick and seasonal reminder that the Dinghy Shop has a wide selection of gifts for the sailors in your life.... even if it is you. Mention the Three Village Sailing Team and you will receive a 20% discount on foul weather gear, cozy fleeces and DRYSUITS (mandatory for spring sailing).

Enjoy your holiday season with your family and friends... and don't forget to recruit new sailors for our spring sailing season in March, thanks. Victor

New Three Village Sailing apparel for 2016

Monday, October 26, 2015


The final league invitational regatta of the season is this Saturday, Oct 31 at WFC. NOR , SI, Forms and registration are available online at the league website. Please let me know by Wednesday. Victor
Time to celebrate! End of the season pasta party. At the Tarjan's. 6 - 7 pm. (parents might like to join for a drink?!) RSVP by Wednesday. Victor
Dylan, Alex, Andrew, Alexander, Victor, Stephen and Braxton

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Drysuits & Gill Gear

Hi Team, 
With the big temperature drop we had in the last week I wanted to let you know about 15% discount we have on all Gill gear drysuits at the Dinghy Shop.
They also carry a very reasonable drysuit for only $499 and backed by Stohlquist, a great company who has been around for a long time making drysuits and other great gear.  Stay warm! Victor

Dinghy Shop Inc
334 S. Bayview Ave 
Amityville NY 11701

Breakwater regatta. Sag Harbor

Dylan, Victor Alex, Diego and Braxton at the Breakwater regatta

Nice weather, a firepit to warm up, BBQ treats, and great winds, all contributed to another wonderful organized regatta by the Breakwater yacht club. Thanks!
Look out for the next blog, it is our last week of the fall season sailing. Mark your calendar: Pasta party, Friday 10/30, 6:30 pm

Monday, October 19, 2015

Breakwater Regatta. Sag Harbor. 10/24

Dylan, Alex, Andrew, Alexander, Victor, Stephen and Braxton.

Hi team, please confirm if you can attend the Breakwater regatta! Nor & previous results on :
Skipper Victor Tarjan & Crew Alexander Langrock
Skipper Andrew Futcher & Crew Braxton Maldonado

Biggest yellow duck in the North East

Oyster Bay festival, 2015

Hi Team, congrats to another successful event at the WFC last Saturday. 

Quick update for this week:
Monday: NO SAILING but sailing on Wednesday instead.

Saturday: 10/24 Breakwater Invitational @ Breakwater YC. Please text (!) or email by Monday 6pm if you are able to participate. Victor

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Parking restrictions at WFC regatta

Please read info below carefully, thanks. Victor

Race Documents
All race documents, including NOR, SI, and required Forms are available on the league website. No paper copies will be available at check-in. A Sailor Registration Form, signed by a parent or guardian, is required for each sailor and shall be handed in at check in.

Travel, Check-In and Parking

Please plan for some additional travel time. There is a 5k road race in the morning in addition to Oyster Fest related travel. Check-in and parking is off-site at Oyster Bay Marine Center (OBMC). You will not be able to drive to or from WFC. Instead, all participants shall park at OBMC and take a launch to WFC. The launch ride between OBMC and WFC is about 10 minutes. You may also walk between OBMC and WFC (approx. 15 minutes) at any time.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Oyster Fest Fleet Invitational, WFC

Upcoming regatta at the WFC is going to be in the middle of the yearly "oyster fest" celebration. 
Parking is going to be a challenge, try to carpool! Nor is going to be send out before Fri. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Explanation "Team racing"

Here is a brief description of "team racing" to sailors and parents not very familiar with it. While "fleet racing" involves a group of teams sending one boat to compete against many other teams in two divisions, team racing pits 3 boats from one team against 3 boats from another team in separate races. After sailing against one team, a team will then have more matches against other teams until they have raced all entered in the event. So, if 8 teams attend, each team will sail 7 different races and the total number of races to complete the competition will be 28. Since there are so many races to complete, team racing events are normally sailed on what is called a digital "N" course with the start at the bottom left and the finish at the top right. This allows starting races right after each other so they can be completed quickly.

When a skipper and crew sail their 420 with 2 other boats from their team against another team of 3 boats, they can do blocking and wind-stealing maneuvers that can not be done in fleet racing. The goal of each team is to finish the race with places that add up to 10 or less points. This means that the other team will lose because they have 11 or more points. 10 therefore is the magic number. For instance, 1st, 3rd, and 6th add up to 10 points and is one of the winning combinations. Team racing involves a lot of different strategies, tactics, techniques,inter-squad communications, and rules that are a lot of fun and turn sailing into a team sport like basketball or football. One important rule is that a 360 (not 720) degree turn is all that is needed to cover a penalty. 

The minimum number of sailors needed to form a team racing team is 3 skippers and 3 crew. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

WFC team regatta. Sat.10/10

Hi Team, The SBS fleet and facilities have not sustained any damage from the gale force winds. The WFC therefore lost two of their floating docks but are probably going to be fine to host upcoming regatta. Please check your emails regurlarly for the lastest update. See you on the water.Victor.

Friday, October 2, 2015

NO sailing on 10/5 & 10/6. Fall break SBS

Thanks for helping out with securing the 420's for hurricane Joaquin last Thursday !
Stay dry and safe and see you all after the fall break. Victor

Monday, September 28, 2015

Change in schedule, theory class on Tuesday 9/29

 Coach Will, Diego, Andrew, Braxton and Dylan at Suny Maritime Regatta
Hi team,
Thank you all for your 100% commitment at the Suny Maritime regatta.
We will discuss our results this Tuesday at the theory class at the SBS or on Wednesday evening at my house. Victor

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

SUNY Maritime regatta

Talk about location-location-location! SUNY Maritime, located on what was once a military fort, still “guards” the East entrance to Long Island Sound. link: Suny Maritime

On Wednesday night theory session I will be talking about upcoming regatta at SUNY Maritime.
Please check out this link before class. Victor
basic sailing rules

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Update regatta schedule

The MASSA and NYISA-SE regatta schedule has been updated on the league website. The NYISA-SE schedule is summarized herein:

 9/19 – no regatta scheduled
*9/26 - NYISA-SE Fleet Race Qualifier @ SUNY Maritime in conjunction with SUNY Maritime Invitational - Register by noon, Monday 9/21
10/3 – no event scheduled
10/10 – NYISA-SE Team Race Qualifier @ WFC - Register by noon, Monday 10/5
10/11 - NYISA-SE Team Race Qualifier @ WFC Make-up Date
10/17 – Oyster Fest Invitational @ WFC - Register by noon, Monday 10/12
10/24 - no event scheduled
10/31 – Halloween Invitational @ WFC - Register by noon, Monday 10/26

*IMPORTANT NOTE: This year we will hold the NYISA-SE Fall Fleet Qualifier in conjunction with a new intersectional regatta hosted by SUNY Maritime. This event promises great racing and will serve as an excellent qualifier for our league. Berth priority will go to: NYISA-SE official teams, visiting MASSA teams, NYISA-SE composite teams, NYISA-SE second teams. Please register through the league website.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Reminder & Interesting links

Today: Coach Francis, Braxton and Stephen

Just a friendly reminder: Sailing theory class, Wednesday 6-7 pm. Theme: upwind speeds.

Interesting links to look over for tomorrow:


Setauket Harbor festival

Beautiful weather, great music and a nice turn-out. Big thanks to the volunteers and the committee of the festival to allow us a promotional table for the 3V sailing team.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First regatta of 2015

Welcome Diego, Braxton, Dylan and Cameron in the 3V sailing team!

This week's schedule:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 3:34- 5:45PM
Wednesday 6-7 pm: regatta rules at my house
Saturday: the SBS invitational in Port Jefferson Harbor.

Fair winds, Victor

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Regatta Schedule Fall 2015

Welcome to Fall 2015

Port Jefferson Harbor with The SBS 420's

Tonight is our first team meeting of the season. Bring signed waivers and any prospective sailor(s)!
Try-outs for new sailors are going to be this Thursday and all next week possible.
Give us a call for more info, times and any concerns : 631.751.0411

Monday, August 31, 2015

Greeting from Armenia

Lake Sevan, Armenia

Just a friendly reminder that the 3V High School sailing season is going to start officially on Tuesday September 8th, 2015. On Wedneday 9/2 team meeting at 6 pm team my house.
Detailed info will follow by email.