Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Stony Brook School Barbeque

After a great season of sailing, we celebrated and had a barbecue with the Stony Brook team. Only smiling faces however, as we look onwards to a (hopefully) great spring season. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Last Regatta of the Fall Season

Dinko, Steve, Alex, Riley, Philippe, Luke, Trevor

The Fall season has ended on a positive note after a great day of sailing. Despite the gusty winds, even our lightest teammates were able to have an awesome time. For the first time in Three Village Sailing history, a first place finish was captured not only once, but twice! The entire team has learned a lot this Fall, and we are all looking forward to what the Spring season may hold in store!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fall Double-handed Fleet Racing League Invitational Regatta

Light winds and a strong outgoing current challenged 15teams who were racing last Saturday. Sailing teams from Bayshore, Bellport to Mattitick and Harborfields competed. Our 6 Three Village sailors had an excellent day and the 420 steered by Danyti with crew Dinko fought to an excellent 5th spot and Steven and Alex achieved a 3rd in one of the races. In the A division we placed 6th, in B division 12th and overall 9th. Not bad at all !

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Team Race at SUNY Maritime

The Three Village Sailing Team sporting the new pinnies

Last Saturday (Sept 28th) our the Three Village sailors participated in their first Team regatta. 8 teams from Long Island were present and what started out as worrying conditions (too little wind) actually turned into a spectacular day. The race committee got 15 races in and sailing in front of New York City's skyline was amazing. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First Regatta of the Fall Sailing Season

Skipper Danyte and crew Riley sporting our new pinnies

Last Saturday we enjoyed our first Fall regatta in Port Jefferson Harbor. 8 Long Island teams were present and wind conditions medium, picking up to strong gusts from the SW in the afternoon. Plenty of surfing and capsizing from all participants. We realized that our team had consistent bad starts. To this effect I have decided to hold another pasta party and starting seminar this coming Friday at 6pm at my our house. Next Saturday we will be heading to SUNY Maritime for another regatta.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Saiing Rules Overview Meeting

Today we conducted our first Sailing Rules Overview meeting. I made up some hand-out sheets where the most common rules were illustrated. Going over the basic rules of sailing was especially helpful for our Junior Varsity members and served as a refresher for the more experience sailors. As an extra bonus we watched the recording of one of the exciting races of the America's Cup.

you can download them here:

Sailing Rules 1

Sailing Rules 2

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Capt. Philippe Tarjan of the 3 V Sailing Team debriefing on beach just before try-outs

Today we had a brisk sailing breeze and many new faces showed up. It made me realize how thankful I am to the new sailors who have decided to participate in the 3 Village Sailing Team try-outs. Compared to our first season (2012) we have tripled our sailing members ! We also ordered cool new team pinnies that we shall receive in a week. Nex

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to Fall Season Sailing !

Sylvia Cohn, Philippe Tarjan, Constanting Spentzos, Luke Sugrue

I want to welcome back all sailors to our upcoming sall season sailing tryouts which will be coming up soon. Anyone interested please contact me at 631 7510411. We will have our beautifully prepared 420 sailboats standing by.

Lets hope for sunny weather and a good breeze !

See you then,

Victor Tarjan

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New York State Regatta

Trevor, Philippe (myself) and Rachel relaxing after the last heat

This past Saturday (May 18th 2013)was a great day of sailing. Thanks to Captain Linzee's skillful negotiations, we were able to form a composite team with Pierson and East Hampton high school. The morning sailing proved to be quite a challenge, as the weather was fickle and the wind was all over the place. At one point, Trevor and myself experienced a 180 degree wind shift in a matter of 20 seconds!

After a long day of sailing, the ThreeVillage/Pierson/E.Hampton composite team placed a respectable 9th overall out of 16 teams. Can't wait for next season!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Port Jefferson Maritime Festival

What perfect weather ! Sunshine and a warm Spring breeze brought thousands of spectators to the annual Port Jefferson Maritime Festival. Of course we took this as a great opportunity to advertise and promote our Three Village Sailing Team. Myself, my brother Victor, Trevor Munch (who took the great photos) and several other members of our growing sailing club were present to answer questions, show people our cool 420 sailboats and provide on the water sailing demos.

As proactive as it was it made us realize that al of work needs to be done to get the right information to the right people. Hey, its a start !

Trevor Munch (my trusty crew) and myself, Philippe Tarjan infront of the 122 year old schooner "Maryle"

Friday, May 3, 2013

Oyster bay regatta : WFC

Today was one of these days where wind and current were opposed. Conditions in Oyster Bay were very difficult and me and my partner Trevor had a hard time coordinating windshifts. Gusty winds, sunny weather and great quality 420's made it all worth it. Thank god we had dry-suits as our hands were getting soaked...

The 3Vilage Sailing Team consisted of:

VictorTarjan (skipper, myself ;-)
Rachel Rothstein (crew)

Trevor Munch (skipper)
Silvia Cohn (crew)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

First Spring Regatta of 2013 - at SUNY Maritime

The NYISA-SE was to be held on April 6 2013 at the SUNY Maritime College Waterfront Center in the Bronx, NY. The weather started off cold with brisk and gusty winds and Victor was having worrying thoughts of how to keep the boat upright with Rachel, his crew member on the 420.

14 teams from all over the NE showed up to this event and the conditions were very challenging. The winds subsided and became oscillating and patchy. The strong outgoing current of the East river forced many boats to stay close to shore, where the winds were even lighter.

At the end of the day, everyone had a great time and Capt. George Linzee with the help of my dad - who also serves as our Three Village Team coach, made this first Spring regatta a great experience.

Our team entered 2 skippers: myself (Philippe Tarjan) and my brother, Victor Tarjan
The 2 crew members were Rachel Rothstein and Trevor Munch.

The NYC city skyline in the distance can just be seen:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

New Orleans 420 Nationals

While looking out at the ice covered harbor we are thinking back of the fun we had at the Nationals in New Orleans. Over 20 interscholastic sailing teams from all over the country were present and the boats were awesome. 

On the second day the winds were gusting well over 20 knots and it was pure survival and tons of fun. Everyone was friendly and helpful and the 3 Village sailors (myself and Trevor Munch - my trusty crew) met our buddies from the Stony Brook School and their great coach Capt. George Linzee. He must be the most passionate sailor (other than my dad) that I know.

We did great for our first major regatta. We even had a couple of  2nd places in some heats and came in 7th overall. A great experience !

Last Days of the 2012 Season

It was starting to get cold and windy as the last days of the 2012 season came to an end. We made some new friends and bumped into some old ones. In our last training sessions with the Stony Brook School 420's and coaches (and my dad, who is our coach) we learned how to nail the starts and cross the starting line at full speed - no matter of the wind conditions. We are looking forward to the Spring Season. My brother Victor will be sailing as well. It will be great to compete against him on the water.

Here is Trevor and me taking a break.