Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First Regatta of the Fall Sailing Season

Skipper Danyte and crew Riley sporting our new pinnies

Last Saturday we enjoyed our first Fall regatta in Port Jefferson Harbor. 8 Long Island teams were present and wind conditions medium, picking up to strong gusts from the SW in the afternoon. Plenty of surfing and capsizing from all participants. We realized that our team had consistent bad starts. To this effect I have decided to hold another pasta party and starting seminar this coming Friday at 6pm at my our house. Next Saturday we will be heading to SUNY Maritime for another regatta.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Saiing Rules Overview Meeting

Today we conducted our first Sailing Rules Overview meeting. I made up some hand-out sheets where the most common rules were illustrated. Going over the basic rules of sailing was especially helpful for our Junior Varsity members and served as a refresher for the more experience sailors. As an extra bonus we watched the recording of one of the exciting races of the America's Cup.

you can download them here:

Sailing Rules 1

Sailing Rules 2

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Capt. Philippe Tarjan of the 3 V Sailing Team debriefing on beach just before try-outs

Today we had a brisk sailing breeze and many new faces showed up. It made me realize how thankful I am to the new sailors who have decided to participate in the 3 Village Sailing Team try-outs. Compared to our first season (2012) we have tripled our sailing members ! We also ordered cool new team pinnies that we shall receive in a week. Nex