Monday, March 30, 2015

Updated regatta schedule

Please keep the following all-day regatta dates and clinics open, especially since there has been modifications to the schedule:

4/11     Sat  League Fleet Invitational @ Stony Brook School sail facility
4/18     Sat  League Team Qualifier at Waterfront Center, Oyster Bay
                   This event needs 9 Varsity Sailors to attend (6 minimum)
                   Conflicts with ACT Tests

5/02     Sat  League Fleet Invitational @ Breakwater YC, Sag Harbor
                   Conflicts with SAT Tests, allows Varsity 1, 2, & JV teams 

5/09     Sat  Team Racing Clinic @ Maritime College, Fort Skyler, NY

5/16     Sat  NY State Championship at Waterfront Center, Oyster Bay

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Snowy Mallory Cup

Although there were challenging weather conditions the team spirit stayed strong! Great job everyone....

Updated regatta schedule for spring 2015:

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The league MALLORY Qualifier. March 28, 2015. Port Jefferson, NY

The Mallory Trophy is school sailing's oldest trophy. It was selected and presented to the then-IYRA (now ISSA) by Clifford Mallory and his son, when the elder Mallory was Commodore of Indian Harbor Yacht Club in Greenwich, Connecticut, and President of NAYRU, the predecessor of US SAILING. The early competitions were in Atlantic-class sloops, hence the sterling silver model of the original Atlantic on the trophy. In recent years the competition for the ISSA Nationals has been in double handed dinghies in a two-division format. This was initiated when the U.S. Naval Academy took over hosting the event, after many years at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in keel sloops and Ravens. Prior to that stewardship, the series had been hosted by clubs, and once by a school for their first venture into dinghies, Fireflies at St. George's in 1959. The Mallory competition now is rotated among the ISSA districts.

Many thanks to George Linzee and the team at the Stony Brook School and the cooperation of the town of Brookhaven for stepping in to host this event.

Location: Stony Brook School Sailing Facility, Port Jefferson
Time: 0900 check-in at the Annex building; no race after 1700
Fee: $10/competitor, checks payable to The Stony Brook School

Friday, March 20, 2015

First day on the water, bundled up...... Who is this ?/!

Check out the ZIM blog about 420's sailing and racing. You can also sign up for daily tweet tips.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday: Small craft advisory today and tomorrow, therefore in class sessions at The SBS, 3;45 pm.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday 3/16 : 3Vsailing team meets at Pj harbor : 4 pm. (setting up 420's)

Sunday, March 15, 2015

For the sailors interested to get certified as a keelboat instructor, SUNY Maritime in the Bronx offers a one day course on 5/8/2015 . 
The USSA Basic Keelboat Instructor Evaluative Course at SUNY Maritime College.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

IMPORTANT: Today, Thursday 3/12
Location change from The SBS indoor session to Port Jefferson docks @ 4 pm.
Bring your drysuit.  Polar bear plunge ?!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Below is the registration, waiver, and med forms file for this season. 

We are going to start the sailing season indoors, see the suggestions below:

• Working out; inside and outside to get in shape for cold water sailing
• Checking gear
• Doing class session on techniques, tactics, strategies, and Sailing rules.
• "Virtually Sailing" in our computer lab using sail simulators which is new and a lot of fun.

The 3V sailing team is going to attend these session at The SBS school next week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, our normal schedule.

Report to Memorial room 4 at 3:45 in workout clothes for both inside and outside workouts.

We do need the forms filled out and the fee in before a sailor starts so they are covered under The SBS insurance.

I will be collecting the signed waivers & the last checks tonight at theory class, or you can drop them off in my mailbox till Sunday night.  

Finally, there is a Rules seminar by Dan Perry at Oakcliffe Sailing Center in Oyster Bay this Sunday from 2 - 5 pm. Is anyone interested? It is $30 per person.

Bill Simon
Race Program Director
Oakcliff Sailing 