Friday, March 6, 2015

Below is the registration, waiver, and med forms file for this season. 

We are going to start the sailing season indoors, see the suggestions below:

• Working out; inside and outside to get in shape for cold water sailing
• Checking gear
• Doing class session on techniques, tactics, strategies, and Sailing rules.
• "Virtually Sailing" in our computer lab using sail simulators which is new and a lot of fun.

The 3V sailing team is going to attend these session at The SBS school next week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, our normal schedule.

Report to Memorial room 4 at 3:45 in workout clothes for both inside and outside workouts.

We do need the forms filled out and the fee in before a sailor starts so they are covered under The SBS insurance.

I will be collecting the signed waivers & the last checks tonight at theory class, or you can drop them off in my mailbox till Sunday night.  

Finally, there is a Rules seminar by Dan Perry at Oakcliffe Sailing Center in Oyster Bay this Sunday from 2 - 5 pm. Is anyone interested? It is $30 per person.

Bill Simon
Race Program Director
Oakcliff Sailing 

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