Hi Team,
Tuesday evening is the next keelboat regatta on the Port Jefferson waters!
Last Tuesday, the SBS had three captain's ready to race but not enough crew for all the boats.
Here are the boats and Captains:
SEA WIND, George Linzee
MARINER, John Everitt
DUE EAST, Francis George
The SBS can put up to 6 on each boat. Please confirm with me and Captain Linzee by email or text that you are coming and give me your preference of boat. Call my cell if you have any questions.
Arrive at Brick Building next to PJ Boat Ramp between 5 and 5:30 PM. Back by 9:30 PM. Bring fowl weather gear (rain jacket and pants).
Captain Linzee:
Phone: 631 786-3293
Fax: 631-941-1575
Victor Tarjan
INFO races: